Youth and politics

The Pivotal Role of Youth in Shaping India’s Future

In the vibrant tapestry of our nation, the youth stands as the most crucial and dynamic segment, wielding the potential to shape India’s destiny. As we delve into the multifaceted impact of our young minds, it becomes evident that investing in their education, health, and rights is not just a choice but a necessity for unprecedented growth.

Harnessing Demographic Dividend

India, with more than 62% of its population in the working age group (15–59 years) and over 54% below 25 years, boasts a demographic dividend. The economic trigger for growth occurs when the working-age population surpasses the dependent population, a scenario India currently enjoys. By 2020, the average age in India is estimated to be 29 years, providing us with a distinct edge over other nations.

Addressing Current Challenges

Despite this advantage, our great nation grapples with persistent challenges such as poverty, malnutrition, corruption, violence, and unemployment. The youth, increasingly restless and driven, yearn to break free from these vicious circles. However, collective efforts are imperative to pave the way for a society functioning in its true spirit.

Nurturing Innovation and Leadership

To transform our future, the youth require unwavering support in terms of health, education, training, and opportunities. Recognizing the youth as tomorrow’s innovators, creators, builders, and leaders, we must facilitate an environment where fresh and innovative minds can flourish.

Political Empowerment

A key avenue for youth expression lies in politics. Motivating young individuals to actively participate in politics and encouraging them to take high positions such as Prime Minister, Chief Minister, and Governor is vital. Knowledge and unity speak louder than experience, and the youth have the power to effect change, as exemplified by mass protests for justice and against corruption.

Shaping a Transparent Civil Society

Education programs should instill from an early age the importance of choosing leaders wisely. Dispelling the notion that youth should stay away from politics, we must orient them towards anti-corruption drives, emphasizing prevention, education, and strategies to combat corruption. Youth empowerment is the cornerstone of good governance.

Strengthening Democracy Through Youth Representation

The pivotal role of youth, armed with ideas rather than just ideals, can catalyze a transparent civil society. Strong representation ensures the dynamism and vigor of a country, sustaining democracy. Modern tools should be effectively employed to disseminate the belief among youth about their participation and representation in democracy through civil society initiatives.

Tackling Societal Issues

The youth possess the ability to unite diverse ethnic groups, combat racism, and promote peace and love. Their positive influence can address societal ills such as crime and violence. By providing opportunities for the unemployed educated youth, we can tap into their intelligence to make a significant impact at national and international levels.

A Call to Action

In conclusion, the role of the youth in nation-building cannot be overstated. They are not just problem solvers but bearers of positive influence, ambition, and the ability to propel the nation forward. However, this journey is not one they can embark upon alone. The support of families, communities, government, and fellow youths is indispensable. Together, we can empower the youth, enabling them to fulfill their duties and make India shine in success on the global stage. The youth are not just our future; they are the architects of our flourishing present.

Read Also:

Why the Indian Youth Shies Away from Politics: Political Strategist in India
Youth and politics: Challenges faced by youth in Indian politics